AVAYA IP Office Embedded Voicemail
AVAYA IP Office Embedded Voicemail
The Avaya IP Office Small Office, IP500V1 and IP 500 V2 all come with an Embedded Voicemail card as an alternative to Voicemail Pro.
The Small Office systems and IP500 V1 have a similar card that comes with 4 ports of Voicemail. The IP500 V2 embedded voicemail sits on the SD card and comes with 2 ports of voicemail (additional Voicemail channels card be purchased)
To give you an idea of how many channels you may need consider the following;
2 ports: Up to 15 hours – 4 ports: Up to 20 hours – 6 ports: Up to 25 hours
If your customer has personal mailboxes and a need for and automated attendant solution then 4 ports would be your minimum requirement.
The latest version of the Embedded voicemail supports, Multiple languages, help menu, email notification, voicemail break out, 40 Automated Attendants, 3 time profiles, 12 menu items per automated attendant, Automated Attendant supports dial by name and dial by number, visual voice (phones supported1408 1416 1608 1616 2410 4610 4620 4621 4625 5410 5420 5610 5620 5621 and 9600 series phones), hunt group announcements, fax rerouting.
No licence is required for the Embedded Voicemail Card
Both cards can be reformatted using manager software or directly from your laptop or PC. A carrier board is available for the Embedded card and the SD card if re formatting is required by PC.
GOTCHAS – If you customer is experiencing the inability to leave a message then it is likely that the card is full you can see if this is the case by going into Manager then embedded card management and look at the pie graph to see if the card is full. In most cases it is likely that a caller has left a voicemail message but not hung out to identify the culprit go into system status and then click on the Voicemail TAB to see who has voicemails in their mailbox.

Avaya SD Card

Avaya Embedded Card